Here are what some influencers have to say about PURGGO car air freshener

Purggo has been working very well so far! We have gone from Los Angeles to Baton Rouge to Chicago to Portland to San Francisco with three dogs, my boyfriend, two kids and myself and the car still smells great! I would call that a HUGE win!
Chelsea Barrile -
Chelsea Barrile -

Yesterday, I carried some newly painted stepping stones in the back of my SUV. I picked them up on my way to work for a garden center. Here in Florida it gets really hot inside the car when it sits in a parking lot all day so when I got in may car, the noxious fumes just about gave me a headache. Since my dogs go to work with me everyday, I was concerned for them as well so I rode home with all the windows down. After removing the stepping stones, I wiped down the mat in the back and then remembered Purggo. I quickly tied it onto the back of the head rest and let it sit all night. This morning, the fumes were barely noticeable!
Nugget Obi -

Nugget Obi -

We LOVE this product. It works very well in the car removing all odors. It took about 5 days and I could no longer smell any funk...least of which was the dog hair smell ! lolz.
Jim McDonald -

Jim McDonald -

I think Purggo’s a brilliant idea. So many people have chemical sensitivities/allergies, and are also becoming much more aware of the flagrant toxicity of those horrible sprays.
L.Catherine Winter -

I am very pleased to say that I placed Purggo in my Jeep over a week ago. Since then I have taken a road trip with three grandkids and one 100 pound black lab. I have had Kinggers in the Jeep numerous days. NO DOG SMELL! The Jeep smells so fresh!
- Debbie Lamb -

- Debbie Lamb -

I had the pleasure of using Purggo in my little car with many doggy passengers. I really noticed the difference and more importantly, my co-worker who is often too polite about the doggy smells in my car noticed.
- Kate Singleton -

- Kate Singleton -

This actually works! That random hot garbage filth smell in the car is gone – all without the use of chemicals or toxic spray crap.
Amy Morrison -

Amy Morrison -

Within a couple of days I noticed the truck had lost that stinky smell. All good.
Debbie Denny -

Debbie Denny -

The bamboo freshener definitely worked well with the manure smell! There was a shorter period of time where we had that lingering odor. So yay! I also tried it in our shoe closet. Good news! It worked fabulously!
Jennifer -

Jennifer -

Purggo is working for me! At first I noticed the smell in the car, I have a very sensitive nose, but have stopped noticing it.
Sara Vartanian -
Sara Vartanian -

I love the product!
Shane Shirley -
Shane Shirley -

I think it's a great natural alternative for those of us who don't buy or use any of the commercial "air fresheners" (scent bombs, to me), yet have a vehicle or room in their house that needs some odor control. Purggo also seems to have a much lower eco footprint, as the bulk of it can ultimately be put back in the soil.
Derek Markham -
Derek Markham -